About Us

PEN Schools is the project of Paradigm educational Network which has been established for students of Primary level with a commitment to provide vibrant learning platform based on 21st century educational and global developments. We are committed to provide a platform for students to embark intellectual, physical, creative and spiritual characteristics to play their role for community and the country.

The learning process is kid-centered at PEN Schools. Our main goal is to recognize and value each student's individual potential. Teachers that are committed and competent provide good instruction to students. In addition to our extensive curriculum, students can participate in a variety of enjoyable extracurricular activities to keep them engaged and motivated throughout the academic year.


  • Punctuality and regularity in attendance is fundamental. Students who have been missing the earlier day should bring a note of clarification through 'Record of Non-attendance' page of the chronological registry as a matter of course. In the case of illness a Clinical Endorsement should be presented to school administration. Students who hope to arrive at home late after the school because of individual reasons should inform their parents/guardians ahead of time.



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